Monday, April 30, 2012

Hail to the New Dawn of Alcohol Programming...maybe?

Having recently sat in on interviews for my institutions open Area Coordinator (RD, RHD, RC, etc.) position and also been doing some program planning with colleagues for the fall a question popped into my mind:

When did we get so stuck doing alcohol programming that involves a mock tail party and marking the bottom of cups to signify certain consequences? 

I mean why is this seemingly the only (or at least a derivative) thing that comes to mind when conversations are had surrounding programming for this topic? Does it mean it is truly effective and should continue to be used? or are we truly just stuck with a tried and trued method? or is it ineffective and we have not taken the time or risk to attempt other programs that might fail or succeed addressing the same topic and being equally engaging? Does anyone care to offer better ideas that they have done?

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